April 1, 2014

Funded by the Kresge Foundation and in partnership with Richmond Promise Neighborhood and the Urban Institute, the VCU Center on Society and Health convened a Redevelopment Public Health Team comprised of local service providers and other stakeholders poised to affect services delivered to local residents. The team met monthly to identify and prioritize health needs in the community, review recommendations for evidence-based practices from the Urban Institute, and make recommendations for coordinated services.  

Click here to download the final report
Click here to download the action plans

See below for the evidence-based practices reviewed for each of the priority areas

Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Challenges with mental health and substance abuse are potential barriers to successful redevelopment. The team developed recommendations to promote awareness of mental health resources, improved screening, and access to care.

Trauma Affected Communities

Residents of Creighton Court consistently expressed concerns about the impact of trauma on their community. The team recommended increased awareness of the impact of trauma, increased local capacity to provide trauma-informed care, and community development practices that reflect the trauma-informed principles. 

Wrap Around Services

To ensure appropriate services throughout the redevelopment process, the team recommended that residents be engaged in the process of identifying specific needs and experience a cohesive and connected service environment.

Supportive and Affordable Housing

To prevent displacement during the redevelopment process, the team recommended that residents be informed of housing resources and have access to appropriate housing options including permanent supportive housing where needed.


Families affected by asthma should be connected to appropriate resources and services to reduce emergency department visits due to asthma complications. The team recommended that new housing for families affected by asthma should use asthma-safe construction and be equipped with adequate filtration systems.

Violence Prevention and Positive Youth Development

The team discussed strategies to prevent and reduce youth violence and promote community-wide safety including engaging youth in meaningful activities and mentoring relationships and empowering residents to change the culture regarding violence.


Click the links below to download the meeting minutes

May 6, 2015

April 1, 2015

March 4, 2015

February 11, 2015

January 7, 2015

December 3, 2014

November 5, 2014

October 1, 2014

September 3, 2014